0161 728 2438 / 0161 278 3104 / 0161 278 5376 info@starttraining.co.uk

Grow future talent with us by recruiting and training the right apprentice at no cost to you to bring enthusiasm and energy to your workforce

In a competitive world, well-trained and motivated staff add benefit to your business…

…time and money spent on training leads to more productive staff and better quality products & services.

Start Training Apprenticeships provide a cost-effective, low risk way to grow your business.

We believe our apprentices can make a real contribution to your company.

Benefits of Apprenticeships for employers

  • Employers who believe that Apprenticeships lead to a more motivated and satisfied workforce: 92%
  • Employers who rely on their Apprenticeships programme to provide the skilled workers that they need for the future: 83%
  • Percentage of consumers favour using a company which takes on apprentices: 81%
  • Companies who invest in apprentices report a significant increase in employee retention: 80%
  • Employers believe that Apprenticeships make them more competitive: 77%
  • Percentage of employers that agree employing apprentices make their workplace more productive: 76%

* Data compiled by the National Apprenticeship Service