0161 728 2438 / 0161 278 3104 / 0161 278 5376 info@starttraining.co.uk
dental nursing apprenticeships

Hire an Apprentice

Grow future talent by recruiting and training the right apprentice at no cost to you to bring enthusiasm and energy to your workforce.

Become an Apprentice

Apprenticeships allow you to earn whilst you learn. We provide the training and support you need to gain your qualification.


Search and apply for your perfect apprenticeship job role through our jobs board. If there is no role that suits you, contact us.

Why Start Training?


Our work-based learning programmes support organisations and individual learners by providing vocational training within their working environment through Apprenticeships.


Success Rates

We have achieved outstanding Apprenticeship success rates in all subject areas. Our excellent learner support means we consistently see examination pass rates above national averages.

Who do we work with?


We strive to achieve the best return on investment for the employers we work with. Our focus is on improving learner competencies and providing businesses with the skill-sets they need in order to move forward successfully.



We treat every student as an individual and take the time to get to know you. We are committed to providing exceptional levels of support for learners throughout the training process and ensure access to greater work and further education.

Contact us

If you would like to talk to us about any of our services, please fill in the form and one of the team will be in touch.

Opening hours

Monday – Friday 9am-5pm

Read more about the dental nurse apprenticeship and how to apply here.

Find out more about Apprenticeships and how to apply here.

Free bus and tram travel for apprentices

Apprentices across Greater Manchester can now get free bus and Metrolink tickets to travel to work. The pilot scheme has been jointly developed and funded by Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) and the Greater Manchester Apprenticeship Hub on behalf of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) in response to feedback from apprentices and their training providers.


For more information about the scheme contact the TfGM Travel Choices team at access@tfgm.com